An email:
Tom: I just want to send you a BIG THANK YOU for all your support in helping me change my life!!!
It took me 45 years to finally get on an airplane. With many years of living with Panic Disorder and Claustrophobia, I promised myself that one thing I will never do in my life time is fly in an airplane. I am mad that I did not do this earlier in my life. Flying is Great!
I see many letters to you regarding how you have helped the people that have flown on an airplane and were frightened for some reason to fly again. I look at myself as a unique student. I did not even know what the inside of an airplane looked like and did not know one thing about airplanes due to avoiding them all my life.
My biggest fear was not being able to breath when they shut the door of the plane. Being trapped with no way out.
That day ended on August 3rd. I found that I had to go to California on business with my Supervisor, the Vice President and a Manager of the company I work for. I could not pass it up. I called you in June, and bought the anxiety DVD’s, also the airplane and airport DVDs.
Once I received the DVD’s, the first one I watched was the inside of the airplane. Then I listened to your anxiety sessions over and over.
Tom, that morning of August 3rd, I walked onto the airplane in Rochester New York, flew to Chicago, then to California. I had a window seat which helped me with my claustrophobia.
On the way back from Calfornia, I did not feel one ounce of anxiety when I boarded the two airplanes for my ride home to Rochester.
I feel like a new woman!!! I can not thank you and SOAR enough for all you have done. The phone call from you the night before I flew out of Rochester, and when I received your call in California. I believe so much in your program, and I have mentioned SOAR to everyone I know.
Thanks again. What I experienced last week turned my whole life around, and if I can share it with someone else that felt the same way I felt for the past 45 years, I am all for it. If there is anyone that has any questions or needs to talk to me regarding what I felt while on the plane please have them feel free to e-mail me. I would love to help someone that is feeling like the ‘old me’.
Thanks Again!